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Falls at home and in nursing homes are a public health problem of great magnitude, and their prevention is crucial. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in three people over the age of 65 suffers at least one fall a year, being the main cause of injuries and accidental deaths in older people. These injuries can generate a high demand on health services and can entail a high economic cost for society.

In fact, figures indicate that the total cost of falls to the elderly exceeds $50 billion annually in the United States. In addition, falls can have serious consequences, such as hip fractures, which increase the risk of mortality and decrease the quality of life for older people. According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), hip fractures are the most common cause of hospitalization among the elderly and can lead to death in 20% of cases.

Preventing falls is essential not only to ensure the safety and well-being of older people, but also to reduce the costs associated with healthcare and lessen the financial burden of falls. The average cost of a fall is estimated to be $35,000, including hospitalization, rehabilitation, and long-term care. As the population of older adults increases, the cost of falls also increases, making prevention even more important.

That is why early detection of falls is vital to prevent injuries and minimize the economic impact. Artificial intelligence systems, such as MaadFall, can be a valuable tool in fall prevention. These systems can detect movement patterns and alert caregivers or family members when they detect a possible fall risk. In this way, you can intervene early.

It is important that older people and their caregivers are informed about the risks of falls and take steps to prevent them. Preventive measures include performing exercises to improve balance and mobility, reviewing medications that may cause dizziness or drowsiness, removing obstacles in the home, and installing safety devices such as railings and non-slip mats.

In summary, falls at home and in nursing homes are a public health problem that has a significant economic impact on society. The prevention and early detection of falls is essential to minimize the economic cost and the serious consequences that they can have. It is important that older people and their caregivers are informed and take preventative measures, and use state-of-the-art tools like MaadFall to detect potential fall hazards and prevent injuries.
MaadFall is a tool that can be of great help to society in preventing falls and reducing economic costs. This fall detection and early warning system works by installing a server and a camera in the home of the person who needs special care. The software is programmed to understand when someone has suffered a fall, and send an alert signal to a mobile device or to a specialized care center.

The advantage of MaadFall is that it does not require human intervention to function, which means that the cost of long-term care can be significantly reduced and serious injuries prevented. In addition, the system can also be used in residential and hospital settings, where falls are a common problem.
The prevention and early detection of falls, therefore, can have a great impact on the economy and on the quality of life of the elderly.

By using MaadFall, you can not only reduce the risk of injuries and costly hospitalizations, but you can also improve the quality of life for seniors by providing them with a safer and more comfortable environment. Reducing costs and improving quality of life are two important factors that make MaadFall a valuable tool for anyone who needs special care or is professionally dedicated to providing it.

If you would like more information about MaadFall and how it can help prevent falls and reduce costs, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to provide you with more details about this innovative service and help you find the solution that best suits your needs.