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What happens if you have ADHD and autism?

If you have ADHD and autism, you may experience a number of challenges in your daily life. ADHD can affect your ability to focus and organize, while autism can affect communication and social skills. Fortunately, there are ways to manage and address both disorders to improve your quality of life. It is important that you […]

Autism: what you need to know

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the way a person communicates, interacts, and processes information. People with autism can experience a wide range of physical and psychological symptoms, which can range from difficulties in communication and social interaction, to repetitive patterns of behavior and intense sensory sensitivity. If you are a family member, friend, […]

Dedicated to the detection and treatment of ADHD!

Welcome to the website dedicated to the detection and treatment of ADHD! I am a person who was diagnosed with ADHD in my adulthood, and today I want to share my experience and knowledge to help other people detect and treat this condition as soon as possible. ADHD is a neurobiological condition that affects brain […]

I want to introduce you to MaadFall !

Hello! I’m Daniel LLuch, founder of I am happy to share with you my personal story about how Maadfall, a home security software that helps detect home falls in seniors, was born. This first post for the web blog is dedicated to talking about Maadfall and my contribution to the technological community, of […]