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Hello! I’m Daniel LLuch, founder of I am happy to share with you my personal story about how Maadfall, a home security software that helps detect home falls in seniors, was born. This first post for the web blog is dedicated to talking about Maadfall and my contribution to the technological community, of which I feel most proud. Developing this software has been a huge challenge, and in future blog posts we will explain what problems arose from the conceptual idea and during its development. We want to share detailed information with you so you can learn from our experience and apply it to your projects.

Before I start talking about Maadfall, I would like to put you in the context of a situation that I experienced and want to share. I am a professional with experience in hospital emergency health services. My work has allowed me to witness many sad and shocking situations, especially related to home falls among the elderly. In particular, I remember a case in which an elderly lady was found two days after her fall since she had no close relatives to visit her.
In this case, the elderly lady who was found two days after having fallen, the emergency services could not act until the firefighters accessed her home after two agonizing days on the ground. This is a heartbreaking and painful situation for anyone, especially those who have elderly and vulnerable loved ones living alone.

We imagine the fear and loneliness that this elderly person must have experienced, finding himself on the ground for two days, unable to move or ask for help. It is hard to conceive of the anguish and despair that someone in such a situation must feel, not knowing when help will arrive or if it will arrive on time. This situation not only affects the patient but also their loved ones who may feel helpless and worried without being able to do anything to help. For this reason, at Maadfall, we have set out to offer a solution that provides peace of mind and security to both users and their families and friends.
In this sense, the development of Maadfall has been a great step towards the prevention of similar situations and the protection of the home security of the elderly.

Thus, the development of Maadfall began.

Maadfall is a fall detection, remote monitoring, and artificial intelligence technology that helps detect home falls in seniors and sends emergency alerts to designated emergency contacts. The speed in the detection of falls in patients at risk is essential to improve the quality of life of the elderly and provide peace of mind to users, friends and family who use Maadfall as a fall detection system.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), falls are the second leading cause of hospital admissions among people over 65 years of age. In addition, it is estimated that around 30% of older people who live alone suffer at least one fall per year. That is why at Maadfall we have developed a home fall detection technology backed by WHO data and based on movement sensors. These sensors can detect a fall in seconds and send an alert to the user and their emergency contacts, which can significantly improve response times and reduce the wait time for medical assistance in an emergency. In an emergency, Maadfall also offers medical assistance and helps users find the right emergency services.

It is important to keep in mind that home security is an issue that must be addressed seriously, especially in the case of the elderly. The prevention and early detection of falls are essential to guarantee the safety and peace of mind of the elderly. With Maadfall, we can make a real difference in the lives of seniors by offering them a form of protection and security in their own homes.

We are in a free testing phase and your feedback helps us continue to develop and improve the software so that it can help people in need.

As someone passionate about Raspberry Pi hardware, I have worked to ensure that Maadfall works on ARM architecture, which was a real challenge since the architecture is so different. However, it was important to me to develop software that could work with Raspberry Pi hardware, as I wanted to contribute to the Raspberry Pi community that I admire so much.

If you are a person who likes to create projects on the Raspberry Pi or you feel attracted to artificial intelligence on the Raspberry Pi, we invite you to follow our website and social networks, where we will soon upload more information about the Maadfall creation process on said platform. Open-source hardware and software. We will also publish guides and posts specific to the Raspberry Pi. So stay tuned!

If you want to know more about me or about the development of Maadfall, I invite you to follow our website and social networks. We look forward to further developing innovative technology and improving people’s quality of life. Thank you for reading!

If you want to see the development or test MaaDFall, you can enter this GitHub link:, which corresponds to my developer page.

If you have a GitHub account or know someone who does, starring the project or following me would be a great help. I also want to mention that if you have any questions or want to share your opinion, you can do so at this other GitHub link:

It is a discussion forum where you can interact with the community and with me about the MaadFall project. Sharing your experience and leaving positive feedback helps the project a lot, so don’t hesitate to do it!

Thank you very much for your interest!

Individuals and companies who want to apply Maadfall

If you are an individual who wants to try MaadFall in your home to keep an eye on someone, or if you are a business owner who wants to apply MaadFall in private homes or residences, do not hesitate to contact us! We know that the development phase can be complicated for those without computer knowledge, but we are here to help you.

Just email us at , and we will contact you to help you implement MaadFall in your home or business.

Don’t wait any longer to enjoy the peace of mind that MaadFall provides!